bangunan ini merupakan statiun kereta api yang dibangun pada tahun 1912. namun semenjak desember 2003 ketika pengangkutan batubara ke padang tidak lagi difungsikan. pada tanggal 17 desember 2005 bangunan ini diresmikan sebagai meseum kereta api. disini dapat ditemukan bebagai macam peralatan perkeretaapian yang sudah berumur lebih dari 100 tahub berserta informasi yang lengkap. kembalinya kereta uap E 10 60 “mak itam”yang diresmikan tanggal 21 februari 2009, menambah lengkapnya koleksi museum dengan nuansa nostalgianya kental.
The Railway Miseum
Have you watched the siti nurbaya’s movie? in this old movie, you can find that train became one of the most inportant transportations long time ago. the train station in west sumatera was tirstly built in 1912 and finally closed in 2003. the government stopped the operation since the train didn’t use to carry coals anylonger. it was officially opened for public on dec 17,2005. visitors can find a lot of old eguipments which have been more than 100 years here. thus with the return of the E 1060 “mak itam” which was founhd on february 21, 2009, it has finally completed the collection of the museum.